leadership team
Leading the way
太阳2平台的领导团队授权太阳2平台的公司通过一个明确和专注的战略来帮助建立一个更美好的未来, knowledge and industry expertise. 凭借清晰的战略和专注的执行,太阳2平台经验丰富的领导团队将推动太阳2娱乐平台朝着太阳2平台的目标迈进 mission to be North America’s premier energy infrastructure company.
Jeffrey W. Martin
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President
Karen Sedgwick
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Trevor Mihalik
Executive Vice President and Group President
Diana Day
Chief Legal Counsel
Justin Bird
Executive Vice President
Lisa Larroque Alexander
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Sandeep Mor
Senior Vice President, Finance
Peter R. Wall
Senior Vice President, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer
Robert Borthwick
Chief Risk Officer
Deborah Martin
Vice President, People and Culture and Chief Diversity Officer
Rajan Agarwal
Vice President, Planning
Glen Donovan
Vice President, Investor Relations
Joy Gao
Vice President, Audit Services and Insurance
Toby Jack
Vice President, Corporate Tax
Christy Ihrig
Vice President, Corporate Relations
Brian L. Kelly
Vice President, Government Affairs
Bruce MacNeil
Vice President and Treasurer
April Robinson
Vice President, Governance and Corporate Secretary
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President
Jeffrey W. Martin
As chairman of the board of directors, chief executive officer and president of Sempra, 杰弗里·马丁领导着一家市值近450亿美元、资产870亿美元的财富500强能源基础设施公司. Martin领导公司成为北美首屈一指的能源基础设施公司, 专注于可持续的商业实践和投资,通过Sempra服务的市场的电气化和脱碳,帮助推动全球能源转型. As CEO, Martin oversees a $48 billion capital campaign, the largest in the company’s history, and leads 20,000 employees, serving the daily energy needs of more Americans than any other U.S. company. Prior to becoming CEO, Martin曾担任Sempra的执行副总裁兼首席财务官. He also previously served as CEO of San Diego Gas & Sempra加州公用事业公司之一的Electric Company,以及Sempra U的总裁兼首席执行官.S. Gas & Power and Sempra Generation.
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Karen Sedgwick
Executive Vice President and Group President
Trevor Mihalik
Chief Legal Counsel
Diana Day
Executive Vice President
Justin Bird
Justin Bird是Sempra的执行副总裁,负责领导多个公司职能部门, including corporate development and financial planning. He is also the chief executive officer of Sempra Infrastructure, one of Sempra’s three growth platforms, where he oversees all business operations. Bird在公司工作了20多年,担任过各种领导职务.
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Lisa Larroque Alexander
Senior Vice President, Finance
Sandeep Mor
Sandeep Mor is senior vice president of finance of Sempra. 他负责Sempra的长期战略和企业发展职能. 莫尔积极与太阳2娱乐平台的业务平台合作,以支持他们的增长战略和M&A activities. 此前,他曾担任Sempra公司发展和并购方面的多个领导职务,并在Sempra家族公司的财务和运营职能方面担任各种其他职务.
Senior Vice President, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer
Peter R. Wall
Peter Wall是Sempra的高级副总裁、财务总监兼首席会计官. Wall’s responsibilities include overseeing the company’s accounting operations, financial statement preparation and analysis, financial reporting and accounting systems. 他丰富的财务专业知识和强大的领导能力使他的团队为太阳2娱乐平台的发展奠定了坚实的基础. 在家族公司任职期间,他曾担任多个高级财务职位.
Chief Risk Officer
Robert Borthwick
Vice President, People and Culture and Chief Diversity Officer
Deborah Martin
Vice President, Planning
Rajan Agarwal
Vice President, Investor Relations
Glen Donovan
Glen Donovan is vice president of investor relations of Sempra, 他在哪里负责规划和指导组织投资者关系政策的各个方面, objectives and initiatives. Leveraging his broad business experience, 多诺万与投资界和金融界就太阳2娱乐平台专注于提供长期可持续价值进行沟通. 在家族企业任职期间,他曾担任多个高级领导职位.
Vice President, Audit Services and Insurance
Joy Gao
Vice President, Corporate Tax
Toby Jack
Vice President, Corporate Relations
Christy Ihrig
Vice President, Government Affairs
Brian L. Kelly
Vice President and Treasurer
Bruce MacNeil
Vice President, Governance and Corporate Secretary
April Robinson
A board with vision